Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How To Make Free Android Application For Your Website Or Blog

In these days Android Market become most popular place for downloading apps for mobile phones. Every person who use internet on their mobile to make searches for finding any information or just for fun they always download applications. We use Google Pay, Nokia or iTunes Stores for finding any interesting apps including for business, games, Education, Finance or many other field for information or just for fun. We use these apps because of their better performance and also these apps helps us to find accurate requires information easily. For example if your are stock holder then you can download apps related to your business field and easily observe rates as faster speed at anywhere. So their are number of benefits of these application.
Now in this article i decide to write about creating your own android apps because their are lots of benefits of creating applications for android. If you have any Blog or website then by creating your own apps you can increase your customers and visitors also. You can also generate revenue from android which i will discuss in my next article. Now here are the few steps and simple method to create your own application.

Make Your Free Android Apps

Here i am going to create free app for my jobs site. This app is just for guidance only so i don't use to many feature to give it more professional look because it takes some time. so i make it simple as possible.

  • Now Signup For New account by using twitter or Facebook
  • Now click on create new app button
Create Android apps
  • Now select custom design theme. Their are many free custom designs from which you can choose any design which feel better for your application style and look.
  • Now customize your design as you want from design & customize button. In which you can change background, logo, Title, Navigation tabs or many feature.
Android apps settings

  •  Click on each tab to edit it. When you make some changes, must preview your apps on left side demo apps box.Which make you easy to edit and give better look.
  • As i shown below how to edit manage navigation icons. You can delete or edit it by adding any icons and changing names. After making all change must preview your apps in left side demo.
Icons for Apps

  • After adding your all icons as shown below then you have to add some content or links in all icons because without adding anything in icons you see doubt sign on every icon. so add some content simply click on particular icon. As i am doing for Facebook icon.

Preview Apps

  •  When you click on icon then box will appear as shown in below image. Now as i am pointing toward page type click on change page type as you required their are many widgets present in change page type option.
  • Select the particular page type then enter the page title and then particular URL
  • Click on each tab to edit it when you make some change preview your apps on left side demo apps look.Which make you easy to edit and give better appearance.
Add Contents

Note:-  If you want to add your Rss feed link in page you can find it format by viewing the page source of your website or blog
After Setting all the feature bases on you apps requirement now time is to publish your application. Now Click on the complete button and then add some information about your apps and add logo.

Now Your Application is ready to use on  Android Mobiles and also hosted free on ibuildapp. You can also publish link for on your site for download. But if want  Publish on Google Play store or Apple iTunes Store where you want to do. But you have to pay $25 for signup in Google Play store and $29 per month for iTunes store.

But Your apps is ready to use on android phones you can promote ibuildapp link for your application or download and save your application in your device and in future if you want to publish on Play store or iTunes then use your saved apps.

I Hope this tutorial above making free android apps help you to improve your skill about creating your own apps simply. so their no need to hire any developer for creating application for you.

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